Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sweet Pictures

Here are a few pictures from the other day. The first day he started rolling over, I tried using a sleep positioner to keep him on his back. I have since learned that is apparently not the thing to do. I went to the pediatrician the next day for Elijah's 4 month check up (next post to come) and she told me that it is best to just lay them down on their backs and then if they flip, they flip. That being said, here are a few sweet pictures of Elijah waking up from his nap a few days ago. What a precious boy...I know I am biased as his Mama but I just can't get enough of that little face!!

Above: My sweet, sleeping angel

Above: Brow starting to furrow when he realizes that Mommy is taking pictures of his while he is trying to sleep!

Above: Waking up happy after a good nap

Above: So glad to see Mommy

Above: How could anyone ever get tired of that sweet is worth more than all the money in the world :)

Above: Rolling over is bad news for some...Eli's friends get demoted to the floor now that our little man is mobile.

Above: Just had some yummy food

Above: Good naps = one happy kiddo and one very happy Mama

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