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Friday, July 23, 2010

Swing Nap

Sometimes, no matter how strong our resolve to not give in, Elijah is successful at getting Mom or Dad to get him out of his bed at naptime. His favorite place to nap is in his swing, but we try not to put him in the swing unless he is seriously wound up and will just not sleep in his bed. The other day was one of those days. I was at a dentist appointment and Elijah was pulling out all the tricks for Daddy. So, into the swing he went and he savored the sweet swing slumber. What are we going to do once he outgrows our ultimate backup plan?

Above: Since Elijah kicked one foot out of the swaddle blanket, Ethan put one sock on his free foot so he wouldn't get cold. Good thinking Daddy!

Above: Look at those cheeks... :) All the better for lots and lots of kisses!

Above: So if only he could figure out a way to make every nap a swing nap.

Above: Elijah talking away to Mommy while she changes his diaper. He was very happy after his nice long nap!

Above: Mommy and the back of Eli's head...notice his growing bald spot!


  1. Awww...gotta love those swing naps! Ian had a bald spot that appeared around four months...took us by surprise since he hadn't had one up to that point! Eli's head is still totally adorable though! (And you look great!)

  2. Micah's bald spot is just starting to disappear since he is rolling over! Maybe Eli will start rolling and it will start reversing again!
