Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Elijah in Action

Ready or not, this kiddo is on the go! Elijah officially started crawling today! He has been rocking and scooting along for the past few weeks and today he finally put all of the moving pieces together. Right after getting him up from a nap and feeding him, I set him on the floor for a minute as is our normal routine. I looked down and saw him on his hands and knees, but instead of rocking as usual he started moving across the floor! Leave it to Elijah to go straight for the glass piggy bank that was in a reachable place. (Note to self, move breakable glass piggy bank out of 7 month old's reach.) I was surprised and started cheering him on. Of course I did not have my camera or video camera, so I took him downstairs to see if he would repeat it for the video camera, and he did! I realize that he will be crawling for many months to come, but the first time is exciting. :) I am proud of our little guy for making it to such a big milestone...we officially have a crawler on our hands!

In other things, he continues to be active and mobile. He is pulling up in his crib like crazy, which continues to be bad for naps but exciting nonetheless. Today I took out the pack and play to let him nap in there since it didn't have railings to help him pull up with. He is also starting to climb on things outside of his crib too. What a boy...the adventures are only just beginning! Here are a some pictures of our little man in action.

Above: Smiling at Mommy while standing in his crib

Above: Now I understand how all of those teeth marks got there! (We borrowed the crib from Michael and Jenny and there were teeth marks on this rail from Dylan and Katelyn. Now I know why.) :)

Above: Side view of Eli standing up

Above: Sooo happy to be taking pictures instead of napping!

Above: Action shot of Elijah pulling up in his crib

Above: Eli's new outfit from Target. It has a fleece shirt and pants and says "Daddy says I'm the best." Very cozy for the cooler temperatures.

Above: "This wood floor is slippery!"

Above: Focused.

Above: Learning how to crawl is tiring work!

Above: Elijah spends most of his floor time on his tummy, rocking, scooting, and most recently crawling. He usually doesn't willingly lay on his back unless I am changing his diaper, and even then it is not always very "willingly."

Above: What a handsome face. He looks so GQ in this picture with that little smirk.

Above: Our little elf is getting tired. Who doesn't need to rest their neck every now and then?

Above: Elijah LOVES to jump in his jumper!

Above: Elijah wearing his first pair of shoes! Now that those feet are finally being put to use our little guy can start to break in his cute kicks.

Above: He's ready to go!

Above: Eli must have a super strong core because this kid can hold himself in a plank for quite a while.

Above: Going for the stairs.

Above: Incentive to keep my floors clean!

Above: "You don't have to clean the floor, Mommy. I actually think it tastes kind of good."

Above: Better start baby proofing...he will be headed up those stairs before long!

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